About CalPM Software

Performing calibration for Instruments and Preventive Maintenance for Equipments maintaining the calibration and Preventive Maintenance data base are critical to the Pharma Industry in order to produce quality products as well as to meet the cGMP. 

Performing the calibration and PM activity online without missing timeline for a single instrument or equipment within the its due date is a great challenge to the industry. To meet these type of requirements Pharma Soft Sol designed CalPM software.

CalPM Software  can be installed directly in the company server and used as an online software solution. Users can login from any computer in the LAN or in web browser without usual problems resulting from application software, location or PC compatibility.


Instrument Registration

All instruments required calibration in the organization or plant can be included in the software with auto generated number or existing manual numbers

Planning and Scheduling for Calibration

 Instruments  calibration can be planned  in schedule. The required schedules can be done in the software.

E-Mail Notifications for Calibration activity

Auto generated email notifications will be sent with an alert date as well as due date for calibration well in advance to the users, supervisors, Dept In charges and to other department users  to plan for the activity without  overlapping the hectic  production and maintenance schedules

Work Sheet generation for calibration

Work sheet will be generated for the user who is planned to perform the calibration activity on the day of calibration .

 Calibration Data Entry and Results evaluation

Calibrated readings can be entered for data evaluation and report approval. Different units of measurements for a single parameter can be evaluated automatically  to meet with the standard parameters

Certificate Generation for the calibration completed instruments

Calibration label and certificate will be generated after completion of the evaluation of the results.

Trend for the completed calibrations

Different trends for each instrument is available for proper analysis of the results

 Performance Management of Calibration

Pie Chart view is available for the senior level users to know the overall status of the calibrations


Registration & PM Check List  to the Equipment Preventive Maintenance

All Equipments  required Preventive Maintenance  in the organization or plant can be included in the software with an auto generated number or existing manual numbers. All types of PM checklist for the activity like Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly,  Half-Yearly and Yearly Checklists can be generated in the software

PM Scheduler E-Mail Notifications

PM Schedule to created based on the plant level requirements for the year

Work Sheet generation for the user for PM

Work sheet will be generated for the required user to perform the PM activity on the day of activity

PM Check List  Results Approval

The completed checklist can be sent for approval process and status approval

 Performance Management

Pie Chart view is available for the senior level users to know the overall status of the calibrations

MIS Reports

Management Information Reports are generated automatically for online status and it will be generated as a pdf copy.


  • Comply with all regulatory requirements like 21 CFR Part11, Annexure 10 of MHRA &GAMP-5
  • Scalable to Plant or Enterprise wise installation and use
  • Automatic Notifications to ALL USERS
  • Work Assignments to the required personnel
  • Automatic generation of Labels, Certificates and Trend reports and Yearly Schedule
  • Automatic Tracking Status
  • Online Approvals of Results
  • Online access from any where

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